Saturday, August 31, 2013

Day 2: So Much To Learn: On The Job Training

August 20 at 10:23am
I have a question that I would like actual people to answer even though I read the literature. I am concerned about the high fat content because I have high cholesterol and high trigs (forgot my numbers from last time and didn't write them down) They have been steadily coming down mainly because I was taking Zetia until about 2 weeks ago, which now I can't afford because of that damn M'care donut hole but I have also been eating a fairly healthy diet, not really watching fat intake but avoiding fast carbs, sweets and sugar which many times go hand in hand with high fat content and watching my carbs. I am recovering from the black bean fiasco of two days ago and had a fasting of 137 this morning. I had been told that black beans are low glycemic even though they have high carbs bec. of the protein and fiber, wrong.
Anyway, I would like to hear from fellow members who had a high cholesterol problem and how the LCHF and Paleo diets impacted them, please.
Oh, I am having such a time, just seems there is so much to take in and I need to hear from real people with real experiences. I don't want to get on that vicious cycle where medicines have to be changed and increased because they just don't work anymore, i want to nurture my pancreas into working better along with my help. Ok i am getting emotional now but lately I have been prone to being emotionally labile and I used to be so strong. I need to get that back.

Replies from supportive diabetic friends:
*“My cholesterol went down from 225 to 186 in 3 months”
*“when you go fully into LCHF it teaches your body to burn fat as fuel instead of carbs. This usually reduces cholesterol and triglicirides”
*“All my numbers were better after 3 months. I go back in Sept for my blood panel. This diet works!”
*“Jenna....I went and took my blood panel yesterday.....I am completely off Crestor and all insulin ....I have been on this diet for about 4 months and I will see on the 28th how my cholesterol did.....statins are poison to us I Dr doesn't know I am off of insulin and are going about it backwards....don't wait to lose the weight...I am still 75 lbs overweight and what you have to decide is to jump into this and give it a try or not....discussing with a medical person is not going to work for you....I am 64 and have had this diabetes 15 years....was on meal time and nite time insulin and if I would have told my Dr what I was about to embark on....well she would have had a stroke....I know this diet works for my blood sugar....70s to 100s every that for sure is going to be good....cholesterol was 239 May of we will see....eating 75% fat hardly any carbs and the rest protein will take the blood sugar down...I am proof of that.....don't wait...jump in....”
*” My total went from 225 to the 150's, trigs are now in the 30's with out any help from Statins. Your body reacts to the glucose with a surge of insulin causing inflammation. This triggers your body to make more cholesterol.”

*“I kept some old bloodwork results from the 90s and normal cholesterol was 300!! So they keep lowering it so they can sell more statins and make uus more sick so we spend more at the doctors office.. Quite a nice little skam there!!! My lipids are normal now and I eat a lot of fat! I eat bacon, pork chop fat, steak fat , venison fat, lard, butter, olive oil, coocnut oil and I believe it is not the fat but inflamation that causes vascular damage. I also have a complete heart scan and every test known 2 years ago and have zero blockages. Ive been diabetic since 94 and have a lot of highs still so it must not be the blood sugars that cause blockages..”

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